Tuesday 23 October 2012

23.10.12 [7 months to go]

"7 months to go" gives me genuine chills at the thought that this will all be over in under a year.

I feel like I've barely started.

I'm beginning to refine my subject area a little more, to narrow my field of research which most definitely needs it.

I have yet to meet with my dissertation tutor to finalise my title. I hope to have this sorted soon.

Sunday 5 August 2012

05.08.12 [8 months to go]

My final film choices are:

Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh, 1993)
Romeo + Juliet (Luhrmann, 1996)
She's The Man (Fickman, 2006)

I have chosen these partially based on my familiarity with them and my understanding and experience of the plays themselves. This gives me a good basis for beginning research and analysis as time is lessening.

I have also bought the Cambridge School Shakespeare edition of each play, as I find these most useful when studying:

Berry, M. and Clamp, M. eds. (2005) Much Ado About Nothing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gibson, R. ed. (2005) Romeo and Juliet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gibson, R. ed. (2005) Twelfth Night, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

My final choice for my practical supplement is:

A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 1, Scene ii.

This scene introduces the Players, with a role call and a notable performance from Bottom in his attempt to prove he could in fact play all characters within the play-within-a-play, Pyramus and Thisbe.

The current copy I am using is:
Wells, S. ed. (1967) A Midsummer Night's Dream, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, Ltd.

This copy is the first Shakespeare text I owned.
I hope to have a copy of the Cambridge School Shakespeare edition soon.

Text I have recently been looking at include:

Crystal, B. (2008) Shakespeare On Toast, London: Faber & Faber

Fantasia, L. (2002) Instant Shakespeare, London: A & C Black Publishers Ltd.

Jackson, R. (2007) Shakespeare on Film, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Spiteri, G. (2008) Shakespeare Matters, London: Portico Books.

* * *

I have also devised a timetable for my final academic year, with regards to my dissertation. I aim to have these tasks completed by the end of the month they are assigned to.

I will have a base introduction and finalised title planned and drafted.

I hope to have a finalised plan for my practical supplement, including booked spaces, a cast, costume plans, and to have entered first rehearsals - reading.

I will have completed a first draft of my first chapter: Tradition Adaptations.

I will have completed a first draft of my second chapter: Modernised Adaptations.

I will have completed a first draft of my third chapter: Reworkings.

I will have completed my practical supplement, including performances, recording, shooting and editing.

I will have completed a first draft of my conclusion.

I will have begun my final draft of my first chapter.

I will have completed my final draft of my first chapter.

I will have begun my final draft of my second chapter.

March: <Easter 25th March - 14th April>
I will have completed my final draft of my second chapter.

I will have completed my final draft of my third chapter

April: <Easter 25th March - 14th April>
I will have completed my final draft of my conclusion.

I will have finished, printed and bound my dissertation, for hand-in.

I am aware this plan is rather vague, and will refined more as I enter third year. But this is a definite outline of which I wish to keep to. I hope to complete at least two drafts before writing final drafts, and these can be fitted in around my main personal deadlines.

* * *

It's all beginning to move forward, which is quite scary but very exciting. I'm passionate about my subject area, and want to be able to take this research further into my career.

Thursday 12 July 2012

12.07.12 [9 months to go]

I most definitely feel like I should have progressed much, MUCH further with my dissertation work than I have at all.

After narrowing my field down to purely Shakespeare, I have yet to decide on the films I will be using.

Currently under some level of investigation:

Traditional Adaptations:
- Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh, 1993)
- Hamlet (Zeffirelli, 1990)
- Henry V (Branagh, 1989)

Modernised Adaptions:
- Romeo + Juliet (Luhrmann, 1996)
- Coriolanus (Fiennes, 2011)

- She's The Man (Fickman, 2006)

I really need to make a decision. And get in gear.

Friday 15 June 2012

14.06.12 [10 months to go]

On further investigation into and analysis of my chosen topic of dissertation, I have decided to further narrow this down to Shakespeare plays adapted into film only.

I am yet to make a final decision on the three films I will be basing my work on, but the current chapter basis I am working from is as follows:

Traditional Adaptations:
- Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh, 1993)
- King Lear (Brook, 1971)
- Hamlet (Branagh, 1996)
- Hamlet (Zeffirelli, 1990)
- Hamlet (Doran, 2009)
- Taming of the Shrew (Zeffirelli, 1967)
- Macbeth (Polanski, 1971)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (Hoffman, 1999)

Contemporary Updates/Modernised Adaptations:
- Romeo + Juliet (Luhrmann, 1996)
- Coriolanus (Fiennes, 2011)
- Macbeth (Goold, 2010)

Reworked Adaptations/Appropriations:
- She's The Man (Fickman, 2006)
- 10 Things I Hate About You (Junger, 1999)
- BBC's ShakespeaRe - Told
     Much Ado About Nothing (Nichols, 2005)
     Macbeth (Moffat, 2005)
     Taming of the Shrew (Wainwright, 2005)
     A Midsummer Night's Dream (Bowker, 2005)

I will choose one from each category to use as a main focus. I will further research these areas in order to apply relevant theory.

I need to make a firm decision on the analytical approach I will be writing from.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

13.06.12 [10 months to go]

Currently watching The Lion King 3: Hakuna Matata!

Has become apparent that, as the original Lion King is based on Hamlet, the Lion King 3 runs parallel with 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead', concentrating on Timon and Pumba, minor characters and aides to Simba much as Ros and Guil were to Hamlet. The story follows their actions, separate from the main story but running alongside, as R&GAD takes place in the wings of Shakespeare's play.

Interesting note that gives strength to concentrating on one element that I am interested in for my dissertation, such as Shakespeare plays to film, a chapter on Appropriation alongside Adaption perhaps.

*Email diss. tutor on narrowing down focus

Friday 6 April 2012

07.04.12 [12 months to go]

Typing [12 months to go] is more terrifying than I realised.
And the scariest thing is that I haven't done a single thing towards my dissertation since I handed in my proposal form.

My essays and presentations will all be finished and handed in by the time I turn 20.
And I will be able to refocus on this again.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

21.03.12 [13 months to go]

Monty Pyhton's 'Holy Grail' - originally a film, later turned into a play/musical, including references to their other work.