Friday 2 March 2012

02.03.12 [13 months to go]

I am Hatti.
I am a 2nd Year/Level 2 BA (Hons) Drama and Film Studies student.
(Although I'd prefer it to be in reverse-alphabetical order)
I have just entered the DISSERTATION ZONE.
A lonely place, inhabited largely by myself and my laptop.
And the occasional text book and Harry Potter reference.

My intended topic: The Textual Transformation and Adaptation Of Plays Into Films.

This is the intended base of my dissertation. I am fully aware that this may change, vary and expand within the next year, but I hope to keep at least within the vicinity of this topic. As a combined-honours student, I wanted to bring together both sides of my degree but keeping the focus within Film Studies, as I'll be pursuing a career within that particular industry. Its an area I find particularly interesting, but I'm still learning about so hopefully, this means these next 13 months will be really quite enjoyable.

On the recommendation of my Undergraduate Major Project module leader, I have set up my own blog to keep track of any ideas, bibliography notes, log notes, and just general brain rambles.

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